
If you'd like to become a member of a committee/board, please click the "Volunteer Application" link on this page.

Appeals Board

  • Kevin Mower, BOS REP
  • Steve Lebrun, Chair 2022
  • Michael Albert, 2024
  • George Farris Jr, 2025
  • Phil Lavoie, 2025
  • Wendell Strout, 2027

Broadband Committee

  • Carl Bucciantini
  • Joyce Bucciantini
  • Justin Lafontaine
  • Thomas Martin
  • Mark Randall BOS REP

Budget Committee

  • John Soucy BOS REP
  • Brent Armstrong
  • Holly Ewing
  • Robert Hodgkins
  • Phil Lavoie
  • George Farris Jr
  • Freeland Witham
  • Robin Healy
  • Donald Bedford
  • Lewis McCarthy

Cable TV


  • Amanda Leclerc BOS REP
  • Sally Ann Hebert
  • Richard Clark
  • Michael Stephanak
  • David Warriner

Capital Improvement

  • Kevin Mower, BOS REP
  • Gary Bedford
  • George Farris Jr
  • Peter Jolicoeur
  • Phil Lavoie
  • David Lepage
  • Thomas Martin Jr
  • Vacant
  • Comprehensive Plan
  • Kevin Mower BOS REP
  • Lea Chouinard
  • Dave Lepage
  • Judith Marden
  • Julie Mondro
  • Brent Armstrong
  • Steve Creamer
  • Kevin Healey
  • George Farris Jr.
  • Bradford Tuck

Conservation Commission

  • Sheldon Bubier, BOS REP
  • Nicole Camire
  • Megan Bates
  • Julia Coady
  • Michael Gagnon
  • Joe Coady
  • Vacant


  • Lucien Asselin
  • Harry Darling
  • Harry Gorman

Greene Community Scholarship Committee

  • Vacant, BOS REP
  • Sara Knowlton, Chair
  • Christos Gianopoulos
  • Stephanie Stockwell
  • Cheryl Ward
  • Bethany Lyons
  • Cindy Paine
  • Cris Chase

Greene Village Day Celebration
Greene Village Day Page

  • John Soucy, BOS REP
  • Julia Coady
  • Vacant 
  • Vacant
  • Vacant
  • Vacant

Greene Volunteer Fire Dept. Benevolent Fund

  • Vacant, BOS REP
  • Barbara Bubier
  • Phil Lavoie
  • John Soucy

Julia Adams Morse Library

  • Deborah Beam, 2028
  • Christine Gianopoulos, 2025
  • Greg D'Augustine, 2026
  • Jeannie Negley, 2024
  • Justin Lafontaine 2024

Parks & Recreation Committee

  • Amanda Leclerc, BOS REP
  • Vacant
  • Sarah Knowlton

Planning Board
Planning Board page

  • Amanda Leclerc BOS REP
  • Byron Boyington, 25
  • Joe Turmel, 24
  • David Warriner 23
  • Donald Bedford 26
  • Eric Farrenkopf 26

Sabattus Lake Dam Commission

  • Mark Randall, BOS REP
  • Steve Wood, 2023

Solid Waste

  • John Soucy, BOS REP
  • Kevin Berry
  • Byron Boyington
  • Holly Ewing
  • Dan Fecteau
  • Matt Higgins
  • Robert Hodgkins
  • Adam Varney
  • Daniel Allard

Ella A. Thompson Committee

  • Sandra Bubier, 2024
  • Erika Lafontaine, 2024
  • Eva Brown 2026
  • Tyler Rose, 2026
  • Bob Hendon 2025